36th St N and Lewis Ave
Expediting timelines with our self-performance capabilities
Tulsa, OK
At more than a mile long, Lewis Avenue was one of the largest road projects completed by Crossland Heavy. It comprised a new concrete street over the existing one, involving tearing up the old asphalt and concrete before pouring a new nine-inch concrete road over 12 inches of aggregate base. We also replaced the stormwater drainage, installed new sanitary sewer pipes and manholes, and a new waterline which runs the entire length of the road.
Crossland self-performed almost everything on this project, from waterlines and storm sewers to sanitary sewers, demolition, and pouring concrete. That meant we were completely in control of our own schedule and didn’t have to wait on subcontractors to complete their jobs. We only had to keep our own team accountable.
Project Facts
Industry Sector: Transportation
Cost: $7,535,215
Self-Perform: Below-Grade Utilities, Cast-in-Place Concrete, Process Equipment Installation
Owner: City of Tulsa
Engineer: Tetra Tech
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